What is the Electronic Payment System?
The Electronic Payment System (EPS) is an Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) program – utilizing the Automated Clearing House (ACH) network – to initiate payments by either ACH Debit or ACH Credit methods, for Nevada Unemployment Insurance (UI) tax.
Are electronic payments mandatory?
Yes, payments are required to be made electronically if the quarterly tax due is $10,000 or more. This also applies to authorized agents and submitters who file for multiple employers. If the total aggregate amount of contributions is $10,000 or more, Nevada law requires the payment to be made electronically.
You have two options for electronic payment: ACH Debit, or ACH Credit.
ACH Debit
Payment by ACH Debit can be made online through a secure Internet application. There is no cost to the employer.
A special feature of the ACH debit method is the ability to "warehouse" a payment, which means an employer (or an authorized agent) can enter the payment information when convenient and then set a "settlement" date up to 30 days in the future. Up until the settlement date (before 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time), inquiries can be made, as well as changes, and even cancellations. The funds will not be transferred until the designated date.
Timing of an ACH debit transaction coincides with the division's regular business hours (unless you are "warehousing" the payment) of Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific Time. Any transaction made outside of those business hours or on a state holiday or weekend, will not be processed until the next regular business day.
How do I pay by ACH Debit?
ACH Debit payments are made through the NUI ESS Portal.
ACH Credit
ACH Credit requires that you make arrangements with your financial institution to determine what services they offer and the associated cost. The employer is responsible for all costs charged by the financial institution. An ACH Credit Program Guide is available for download, which includes the ACH Credit Specifications and an ACH Credit Agreement and Application.
[ Download: ACH Credit Program Guide - pdf ]
How do I sign up to pay by ACH Credit?
Download and complete the ACH Credit Agreement and Application (form TAXACT220823). Then upload the completed form through the NUI ESS portal.
Or you may Fax the completed form to (775) 684-6351, or Mail it to:
- Department of Employment, Training & Rehabilitation
Employment Security Division
Contributions Section
500 East Third Street
Carson City, NV 89713-0030
Attn: Electronic Payment System
Upon receipt of your completed ACH Credit Agreement form, the Division will provide you with the State's bank account and routing numbers needed by your bank to initiate ACH credit transactions.
What if I still have questions?
Please contact the EPS Customer Service Desk at (775) 684-6345 during regular business hours:
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific Time.